Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-07-13 Origin: Site
For investors, every investment is extremely risky. Before starting a project, no one can guarantee a 100% profit. It can only be said that the investment risk of a certain project is small, so the possibility of profit is It will be great. Nowadays, at home and abroad are under the shadow of the epidemic situation, more industries are facing difficulties and challenges, and for the indoor sports hall, due to the advantages of the project itself, it is still growing in the sun under the harsh environment, more Of investors made more money. So how do you manage your project well under the epidemic? The sooner the marketing strategy is known, the better the effect.
This article includes the following:
1. Project selection strategy
2. Active business strategy
3. Price management strategy
1. Project selection strategy
If the indoor sports hall wants to operate well, project selection is very important. Such a hot industry has attracted more investors to join, and the market is still very competitive. Therefore, in order to win the competition, the innovation and uniqueness of the equipment are important. Each indoor sports hall has hundreds of game devices, and each game has dozens of ways to play, operating in the indoor sports hall. During the process, popular factors will be added to allow the indoor sports hall to continue to optimize in business, so that the appeal will continue.
If you want to have good development, then the launch of more preferential activities is very important. When planning activities for your own indoor sports hall, you need to take the customer's needs as the starting point. For example, when will the preferential activities be launched? At this time, it depends on when consumers have time, and working days will definitely not be a good time. Then, on weekends and holidays, more preferential activities will be made to have better business results.
The indoor sports hall is now welcomed by more people. People of different ages will find their own projects here, so the conditions of market operation are very good. Then in terms of price customization, it must be based on local economic level and per capita The level of consumption, the control of prices according to local conditions, too high or too low are not conducive to project management. Too high will make consumers discouraged and cannot come to the venue to consume; too low is not conducive to the recovery of capital. Originally a project can recover capital in three months, the price is too low, the recovery period of capital may be five or six months, let The profit margin becomes smaller.
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